Sunday's date is written the same backward and forward — for everyone in the world — which hasn't happened in 900 years

  by Daniel Payne · Jan 31st, 2020 3:18 pm

Last Updated Jan 31st, 2020 at 4:01 pm Sunday, February 2, marks a unique calendar date, as it forms a palindromic day — one that is written the same both backward and forward.
But this Sunday is more special than post palindromic days.
In this case, the date rendered as it normally is in the United States — as month/day/year — is identical read both normally and reversed: 02/02/2020. However, in the numerous countries that follow a day/month/year format, the date is still the same either way. And in the many Asian countries that place the year first, it is still identical backward and forward.
So whether you're in Europe, Asia, or the U.S., February the 2nd is a very special palindromic day. And extremely rare:
  • The previous eight-digit palindrome like this was 909 years ago, on November 11, 1111.
  • The next one will be December 12, 2121, 101 years from now.
  • After that it'll be another 909 years until the next eight-digit palindrome, on March 3, 3030.
  • After the 3030 palindrome, people will have to wait another 1,010 years, until April 4, 4040, to be treated to the rare occasion again.
Sunday also happens to be Super Bowl Sunday as well as Groundhog Day.


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