Using real name to annoy people (from Unknown News)

Using real name to annoy people

by James Patrick Banholzer Junior, Jan. 11, 2006

[Re Annoying people on-line now a crime]

Let's say I e-mail you a story that Mark Twain wrote about Huck Finn wanting to go to the "bad place" rather than not set the black slave Jim free. Someone reading this story becomes bothered and confused about this down to earth morality story. Would I have to spend two years in jail, since I forgot to point out that the annoying authors real name is Samuel Clemens?


James Patrick Banholzer Junior
Just double-checking -- you wanted to use your entire real name?
Thought it was mandatory to use full legal names now. Or was that article just an urban legend?

James Patrick Banholzer Junior
It's only mandatory for "the man." We'll use whatever name you choose, and I reckon you've chosen.
I'll step out of line like the courageous fool I am. Go ahead and print my full name. I doubt that I would be the last man asked to die for a bad cause.

But as we all know freedom of speech is a good cause and WHO wouldn’t agree?

James Patrick Banholzer Junior
Remarkable. Simply remarkable, and beyond.

Was that your grandfather? Or did you choose the non deplume as a tribute?
This is one of the most astounding things that has ever happened in my life -- finding this in a meek internet name search of mice-elf. In fact I intend on incorporating it into a future story ... I've passed this on to various family members, but as of 2006 we don't quite know who exactly this hero is. My best guess is that my father James Sr. (born in 1935 and still alive) was named after this family war hero. But I'm not sure yet.

James Jr.


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