Finally, Faithful Fast Forward Fan Karen Shepard wrote to remind me that we are experiencing palindrome days. Palindromes are words or a series of significant numbers that read the same backward and forward. The most famous palindrome, of course, is "Madam, I'm Adam." So it can happen with dates as well. Starting yesterday, Karen points out, we have a series of 10 consecutive palindrome dates: 9/10/19 through 9/19/19. According to, as long as the date is written in the format M-DD-YY, every century has 9 years with 10 palindrome days in a row, and those years always occur in the second decade of the century. For example, every year between 2011-2019, 2111-2119, and 2211-2219 will have 10 consecutive palindrome days. This is true for previous centuries as well. And the month this happens corresponds to the last digit of the year. Amazing. Thanks for reading. There also are single words that are palindromes:...